Thursday 23 October 2014

A Landscape in Weave

June 2014

Finally after over 340 hours of weaving over a few months my Navajo landscape strips were complete and ready for the exhibition at the American Museum in Bath. 

Jan Kinsman
Weaving: mixed media, linen, cotton, silk, wool and steel.
1m x 2m

Inspired by the many beautiful Navajo blankets and rugs at the museum, I have become very interested with the history of the Navajo and their weaving.
I  chose to depict the ‘Long Walk of the Navajos’ as a woven landscape in three strips, to represent the hardship and loss of life they endured when, in 1863, they were forced from their sacred homeland in Arizona, to walk over 300 miles to the Bosque Redondo Reservation in New Mexico . Over 2,000 Navajo died from ill treatment, exhaustion, disease and starvation during the walk and the four years in which they were incarcerated on the Reservation.

Combining Navajo weaving techniques with my investigations into the rusting of metal, the strips of weave diminish in colour and texture to echo the gradual erosion of the Navajo’s spirit and health. The rusting metal stands as a metaphor for their diminishing strength.